
SL C10 2819flagSaltsjoebaden station Saltsjoebaden stat..

Saltsjöbanan train on line 25 Saltsjöbaden to Saltsjö-Järla

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©  Feb 17, 2025






Exposure: 1/640
Aperture: f/5.6
Focal length: 28 mm
ISO: 200
Time: 13:12

Saltsjöbanan train on line 25 Saltsjöbaden to Saltsjö-Järla

Saltsjöbanan is a normal-gauge (1435mm) commuter railway at Stockholm, Sweden. It connects Saltsjöbaden region with central Stockholm via Slussen, however it's not connected to the rest of Swedish rail network, despite the fact that both share the same gauge. Rolling stock used on Saltsjöbanan are ASEA-made EMU's that were originally intended to be used on Stockholm metro (tunnelbana), but were modified for above ground commuter line usage. These modifications include pantograph current collection instead of a shoe, removal of middle door on each wagon, floor extension for easier boarding, additional headlight etc.

On this picture you can see Saltsjöbanan train on line 25 at it's final station Saltsjöbaden, before heading back to Saltsjö-Järla. From there, replacement buses will take passengers to Slussen. Due to construction works, railway between Saltsjö-Järla and Slussen is closed and will not be reopened until 2028. By that time, Saltsjöbanan will also receive new trains.
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