The following train, that left from Galaţi on 6th February, 6:40 AM has NOT reached Bucharest untill this moment (7th February, 8:11 PM)!!! There are about 1000 people, that are now stucked in snow near Făurei. This is a new record of delays, after a Constanţa - Iaşi train had, yesterday, a 990 min delay. The roads are closed, so many people choose trains... From curiosity: in Siberia, Finland and Austria is snow? Because I've never heard of such BIG delays. Of course, as ussualy, the Romanina authorities are taken by surprise by snow that falls at the end of January.
From curiosity: in Siberia, Finland and Austria is snow? Because I've never heard of such BIG delays. Of course, as ussualy, the Romanina authorities are taken by surprise by snow that falls at the end of January.