
DBSUK 66/0 66 098flagCarlisle Kingmoor Yard Carlisle Kingmoor ..

66 098 with TSR4 renewal train 6H95 to Kingmoor (up mainline)

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©  Mar 31, 2013






Aperture: f/9
Focal length: 46 mm
ISO: 100
Time: 00:52

66 098 with TSR4 renewal train 6H95 to Kingmoor (up mainline)

DBS driver at Carlisle then?
For my sins yes. This train was something of a record breaker and reckoned to be the longest train ever to depart the yard with a booked consist. 1002m long (3288ft)weighed in at 3125 tonne which is pushing it a bit for a single 66. To be fair 66 113 was on the rear and I was banked as far as the goods line flyover at Rockcliffe.
I think I saw one of these through the station the other day. Total renewal train? Ballast cleaner etc etc. Again top and tailed. Impressive. Get a Tug!
This train is the TRS-4 which is a High Output track renewal train. It basically swaps new rails for old and changes the sleepers while on the move. It can vary in length considerably dependent on how many IFA new sleeper wagons are in the consist. It can be a heavy train but generally a class 66 is adequate. The real heavyweight which can only work with a FL class 66/6, 70 or DBS class 60 is the HOBC (High Output Ballast Cleaner) This train will be back at Carlisle in a few weeks time vice the TRS-4 which is going elsewhere for a few months. The HOBC generally weighs in around the 2800 tonne mark which is too heavy for prolonged mainline running with a standard class 66 so we should have a pair of 60's back at Kingmoor.
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