
KiwiRail DFB 7239flagWestfield Westfield

DFB 7239 awaits next assignment at Westfield depot

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©  Mar 1, 2015





Canon EOS 60D

Exposure: 1/400
Aperture: f/9.9
Focal length: 55 mm
ISO: 250
Time: 17:11

DFB 7239 awaits next assignment at Westfield depot

The DF class were built by GM in Canada and introduced from 1979. In 1990's were upgraded with turbo etc to GT22 MC. The class is gradually being converted to DFB which denotes Brightstar equipped. It has been reported each overhaul which usually includes some rebuilding of cab can cost over $1Million. Even work stained 7239 looks great but these locomotives look like new when they come out of Hutt workshops.
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