
KiwiRail EF 30163flagWestfield Westfield

30163 visiting wheel lathe at Westfield depot in Auckland.

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©  Jan 11, 2015





Canon EOS 60D

Exposure: 1/320
Aperture: f/9.9
Focal length: 35 mm
ISO: 250
Time: 15:47

30163 visiting wheel lathe at Westfield depot in Auckland.

The North Island Main Trunk line was electrified between Hamilton and Palmerston North in 1980's. The EF class locomotives were supplied by Brush Traction, UK in 1988. At 4000 Hp these locomotives remain the most powerful in NZ. The locomotives must be towed to Westfield from Hamilton to visit the wheel lathe. These ageing locomotives (and the electrification) face an uncertain future. A further order of DL class diesels from CNR Dalian in China may displace the remaining EF in service.
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