
KiwiRail DL 9423flagPaerata Paerata

9423+9184 lead DFTs 7173+7186 on train 243 near Paerata.

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©  Feb 7, 2015





Canon EOS 60D

Exposure: 1/400
Aperture: f/9.1
Focal length: 65 mm
ISO: 250
Time: 17:51

9423+9184 lead DFTs 7173+7186 on train 243 near Paerata.

storyThe DL class were built by CNR Dalian Locomotive & Rolling Stock in China from 2010 to 2014 with 3500Hp MTU motors. The DFT class (EMD GT22) were originally built in Canada in 1979. Train 243 will arrive in Wellington more than 12 hours later. Karaka bank is the first test for locomotives on heavy trains on this route. After Hamilton many trains are still electric hauled as far as Palmerston North.
Wow....one of my favorite railway and region...
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