
MS JB 1236flagTaihape Taihape

1236 on a memorial special is tested by 2% grades up to Waiouru

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©  May 7, 2017





Canon EOS 5DS

Exposure: 1/500
Aperture: f/5.7
Focal length: 45 mm
ISO: 500
Time: 11:54

1236 on a memorial special is tested by 2% grades up to Waiouru

storyBuilt as J class by North British Glasgow, 1236 has been restored as a JB class oil burner by Mainline Steam. The occasion for this mainline run was to participate in a KiwiRail sponsored memorial to the locomotive crew of Ka 949 hauling the express train that plunged into a river after a lahar damaged the bridge at Tangiwai on the night of 24/12/1953. Visiting Queen Elizabeth II had a somber Christmas message with the dreadful news of this disaster which claimed 151 lives. After more than 60 years the crew are being remembered for saving over 100 lives at the expense of theirs in almost stopping the train in time. There were many heroes that night.
Awsome picture!
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