
FEVE 2600 2611flagLeon-Matallana (FEVE) Leon-Matallana (FE..

Last train of the day to Cistierna

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©  Aug 22, 2015






Exposure: 10/600
Focal length: 29 mm
ISO: 400
Time: 20:41

Last train of the day to Cistierna

storySince the "crazy" works to convert The Robla Railway in León to a tram started in 2011 the trains finish in the outskirts of León in a small station, now the works are finished but this trains can't run in the new line.
@alvarofdezg What kind of rolling stock will work on this line?
@ter No one knows really, feve bought some trams from vossloh, but when feve disappeared renfe didn't wanted to pay, so now renfe and vossloh are in judgments and meanwhile the trams went to Mexico, so in the end there are no trains that can operate in the new line.

However, perhaps a tram is not the best idea for a trip that last about 7 hours...
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