
UP SD70M 4252flagFloyd MO Floyd

UP 4252 East moves a wind turbine blade train on BNSF.

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©  Sep 15, 2018






Exposure: 10/25000
Aperture: f/5.6
Focal length: 95 mm
ISO: 400
Time: 11:39

UP 4252 East moves a wind turbine blade train on BNSF.

Awesome frame !!!
@jmadhavadas Thanks JM, and both were moving right along, too. Running meets always nice but sometimes tricky. Then chased the blade train another 20 miles. Kind of rare in that direction.
When photographed, as taking new green 737NG?
Freight for additional assemblies of the fuselage of the Boeing 737NG without wings on the platforms. But I don't know what city it is.
And where to build new locomotives TE33AS (ES44ACi) for Ukraine? 240 units?
@tzhs The 737 fuselages are built near Wichita, Kansas, moving to Seattle, Washington, on a fairly regular basis. The wings travel inside large, special cars. I believe the TE33AS locos will be built in Kazakhstan, according to Wikipedia.
Just brought to Ukraine TE33AS made not in Kazakhstan, but in the United States. Here is a photo. https://trainpix.org/photo/230492/
Locomotives ТE33А/TE33AS/TEP33A Astana look different. https://trainspo.com/photo/94944/?list=class
@tzhs Right you are! It turns out that at least 30 of them will come from the GE Erie Pennsylvania plant. Here is a link about the story: https://www.railwayage.com/mechanical/locomotives/ge-rolls-out-..e33a/
Thank you!
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