Share your own pictures about railways - rolling stock, events, infrastructure improvements, etc.
Thanks! Now if I want to catch a sunrise so far from where I live, I have to get up much earlier since Daylight Savings Time is ended for the year!
@Maersk.146 in US you also change time from summer to winter period and back?
Maersk.146Nov 2, 2020, edited
Yes, in the Spring we move forward one hour and move back to normal Standard time in the Fall.
Maersk.146Nov 16, 2020 − edited Nov 16, 2020
BNSF 5992 West approaches Hardin, MO, and NS 7559 West at Palemon, MO, on Main 1, 7 Nov 2020
The suburban electric train ED9M to Voronezh-1 station arrives at the Shuberskoe platform. Voronezh region, South-Eastern railway. November 16, 2020.
That is a nice view!
A few odds and ends from 28 November 2020
In these pictures, the zoom view is of four containers seen in the wide view, but the BNSF loco
is moving behind the train at 50-60 mph in the zoom view. Only one picture was possible, and it
captured both of the loco's ditch lights, and by only inches on either side. How about that, my friends?
The ex. CP 1552 now Takargo at Poceirão
Nice photo!
BNSF special movement of CEBX800, from Canada to El Dorado, Kansas, 3 Sept 2010
Maersk.146Dec 30, 2020 − edited Dec 30, 2020
BNSF 8032 and 6533 traverse one of the new concrete trestles built to replace roadbed scoured out by the 2019 flooding of the Missouri River. The water here is leftover, unconnected to any significant stream, which also flooded nearby Big Lake, MO. 20 December 2020
Assorted views from 2 January 2021
Maersk.146Jan 25, 2021 − edited Jan 25, 2021
BNSF 7894 East sneaks by while I wait for an NS westbound. Carrollton, MO, 23 Jan 2021
and UP 8121 with UP/MP 1982 at Palemon, same day.
BNSF 7784 West startles a large flock of Snow Geese at Palemon, MO 13 Feb 2021
Perfectly captured moment!
Thank you, Sanek! I have hoped to get a scene like this for many years.
Simultaneous action at Palemon, MO, 13 Feb 2021
BNSF trains parked, awaiting new crews at Camden & Henrietta, MO, 20 Feb 2021
NS 4358 West with #115 at Palemon, MO.
BNSF 5244 East leads a grain train and BNSF 7708 adds DPU power at Hardin, MO
Excellent selection of photos!
Maersk.146Feb 23, 2021mobile
Thank you, my friend!
BNSF 8246 East crosses a bridge between Snyder and Mendon, Missouri 20 March 2021
KCS 4683 South heads for KC with a grain train for export. Iatan, MO 4 April 2021
Three views of NS #125 to Jacksonville, FL, with ET44AC 3604 leading.
From M-210 overpass at South Liberty, and at Camden, MO 10 April 2021
Hi Trainspo Community!
In my first post in this thread I would like to honour the backbone of RhB freight service until middle of this decade.
Now it's time to say goodbye. The old fleet of RhB Ge 6/6 II will retire until middle of this year. On the 9th May of 1958 the first loco with number 701 was put into regular service and not scraped until the beginning of 2021. I only started photographing in the middle of 2019 and my first image of this wonderful old red locos I did not take until the autumn of 2020 sadly.
Hope you like these two images.
Greetings from Switzerland.
Maersk.146Apr 16, 2021mobile
Very nice pictures!
@Maersk.146 Thank you.
Due to corona no public historic rail operation with guests are allowed in Switzerland but today (and yesterday) the "Ballenberg-Dampfbahn" was running with the G 3/4 208 narrow-gauge steam loco and historic carriages for instruction trips between Interlaken Ost and Meiringen in the Berner Oberland.
In the 1980s the BLS group (Lötschbergbahn, SEZ, GBS, BN) purchased 22 push-pull sets of the type RBDe 4/4 (now RBDe 565). Until today 21 of 22 are still in regular operation but will be replaced with new step-free access Stadler FLIRT shortly.
In this picture is BLS RBDe 565 727 on its way towards Langnau i.E. Due to construction work, the trains of the lines S4 and S44 were terminating in Uetendorf instead of Thun. In the background is the large village of Uetendorf and a bit further you're able to see the beautiful mountains of the Berner Oberland. Picture was taken in end of February 2021.
Let me know if you're interested in more pictures of the railways in Switzerland
Horrible! CP 2601 and 2611 will wear these vinils of the European Rail Year...
Maersk.146Apr 20, 2021mobile
@G82 Yes, those are “Interesting”

New woods wagons for Takargo. They are from Innofreight and are already in use.
BNSF 5319 on Main 1 at Palemon, MO, 8283 at East Sibley, MO, 8566 at Standish, MO, 24 April 2021
Maersk.146May 2, 2021 − edited May 3, 2021
A few night photos at KCUS, including rare move of new Amtrak Acela equipment, returning to the east after trials at the FRA TTC near Pueblo, Colorado, for several months. 29 April 2021
Some pano views from 4/30 and 5/1 at Henrietta and Sibley, MO.
Hello Trainspo Community!
I joined this page recently and I really enjoy it. Im a passionate railway photographer from Switzerland. Below you can find some of my favourite pictures from 2021. If you have questions or any others comments, feel free to ask
This photo was taken on the Bernina Line. It's part of the Unesco World heritage line leading from Thusis in the Albula valley to the italian town of Tirano. In the picture you can see a pair of "TW III".
This shot was also taken along the world heritage route. Shortly before reaching the town of Filisur, the railway passes the "Schmittentobel" viaduct. The train shown in the picture is the Bernina Express. It features bright panorama coaches which give an amazing view of the surrounding landscape. The train is pulled by a "Allegra" two system Multiple Unit. Its the only type of electric train on the network of the Rheatian Railways which is fitted for both 1,000 V DC (Bernina line from St. Moritz to Tirano) and 11'000 V AC (RhB "Stammnetz").
We're staying in the canton of Graubünden for the next picture. It shows a Be 4/4 push-pull train set between Klosters and Davos. Davos is known for the yearly occurring WEF (Word Economics Forum). The Be 4/4 entered service in 1971 and were back than the first "real" commuter trains in Graubünden. They were used for S-Bahn service in the metropolitan area of Chur. Shortly after this shot was taken, the units retired from regular service.
I hope I was able to give you a small peak of my images. More will come soon.
Greeting from Switzerland
Maersk.146May 6, 2021mobile
Welcome Justin! Your pics are great and we will look forward to seeing more of them here on Trainspo!
Keith (Maersk.146)
BNSF 7832 West hauls containers past new corn fields. Palemon, MO, 8 May 2021
For something different, try creating a 3:1-ratio panoramic photo,
either by cropping a single photo or by stitching several together.
You can post your railroad-subject results here in this topic!
BNSF 6244 West meets an eastbound container train at Palemon, MO; GE Tier 4 radiator; 15 May 2021
UP 6937 East begins the climb towards Sherman Hill on 25 May, 1984.