
CFR 150.0 010flagCluj-Napoca Cluj-Napoca

In Remarul 16 Februarie court

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©  Apr 8, 2010






Exposure: 10/1600
Focal length: 5.5 mm
ISO: 80
Time: 17:26

In Remarul 16 Februarie court

I found some info about this loco class on http://bda-train-blog.blogspot.com/2009/08/cfr-150105-at-dej-tr...html

Builder: Uzinele Nicolae Malaxa and Uzinele Domeniilor
Top speed: 80 km/h
Gauge: 1435 mm
Build dates: 1946 - 1960 (total 282)
But here info about 1105: "150.1105 is the strongest locomotive found in Romania. It belongs to the German DR-52 series and it was given to CFR by the Soviet Union, in 1949-1950, as a war damage compensation. The locos from this series have been working until 1988. 150.1105 is preseved in Sibiu depot, along with other locos from this series."

It's a quite different serie.
Romanian 150 series is former from DR - 52 and 50 series. This is DR 50. In performance there is nothing different from those of DR 50
Ok, in this case running numbers 150.y-z and 150.a-b for the vehicles from DR 52 and DR 52 series.
So will whis photo have the approval of being ok,or you need more details?
Sorry, it was typo in my previos message. I mean what we need running numbers 150.y-z and 150.a-b for the vehicles from DR 52 and DR 52 series to separate it to two subclasses.
Sorry but I don't understand exactly what you want.Can you explain a little bit more?
For example: CFR 150.001-099 is from DR 50 series, and CFR.1001-1099 is from DR 52 series.
Oh,ok.let me check my lists
So.CFR 150.001-282 is exactly like the the DR50 series.Were built by Malaxa and Resita
CFR 150.1000-1100 the same as DR 52 serieswere built by various factories from Germany
CFR 150.1101-1123 except 150.1113 and 150.1116 which were DR50 series,the of 19 were DR52 series,war trophies from URSS
What a beast of a locomotive! Are there any plans to restore it?
Sadly, none...
What a shame! Do you know when it last ran?
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