
RZD VL80K 252flagVNIIZhT test circuit VNIIZhT test circuit

EXPO1520. Parade of Locomotives (dynamic show)

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©  Sep 13, 2013






Exposure: 1/500
Aperture: f/7.1
Focal length: 70 mm
ISO: 400
Time: 12:48

EXPO1520. Parade of Locomotives (dynamic show)

storyVNIIZhT test circuit in Shcherbinka is able to provide both 3 kV DC and 25 kV AC current in overhead wire for testing of different locomotives. Each track is electrified independently, that allowed both AC and DC machines to take part in the Parade.

In this picture you can see a really unique moment, that can hardly be ever seen anywhere else: AC freight loco VL80K-252 and DC high-speed passenger loco ChS200-004 are running in parallel.

Many thanks to both crews, which maintained proper speeds to make this photo possible!
Indeed a rare capture !!!
Whoa! It's unique!
Excellent work ! From author and crews!
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