
KiwiRail DC 4692flagWoburn Woburn

Metlink train 1604 Wellington - Masterton passes through Woburn.

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©  Apr 24, 2015





Canon EOS 60D

Exposure: 1/640
Aperture: f/9.1
Focal length: 60 mm
ISO: 400
Time: 13:19

Metlink train 1604 Wellington - Masterton passes through Woburn.

The DC class (EMD G22AR) were rebuild from G12 (DA) in 1978-83. Several were fire suppression equipped for working Metlink trains through Rimutaka tunnel. DFT class has taken over duties on these services which run to a tight schedule. The cars are ex-British Rail Mk 2E/F refurbished at Hillside Engineering in Dunedin from 2006 following the success of the conversion of similar cars for the Capital Connection train running between Wellington and Palmerston North.
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