
AMTK F40PHR 284flagKansas City MO Kansas City

AMTK 284 and #4 ride on KCT track 3 at 18th St.

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©  Jul 11, 1987





Scanned with a LS-8000

AMTK 284 and #4 ride on KCT track 3 at 18th St.

Noticed all the material handling cars on the head end of Southwest Chief. Most of those former Amtrak cars now reside around Alamosa, CO, on the San Luis
For a while, Amtrak hauled priority freight on those head-end cars, until the freight railroads on whose tracks Amtrak operated began to complain about how they had to give Amtrak dispatching priority over their own priority traffic in order for Amtrak to maintain its passenger schedule. Eventually the complaints succeeded and Amtrak was no longer able to add such cars to its trains.
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