
ČD 814 163-2flagDolanky Dolanky

Personal train with RegioNova & fast train with Brejlovec

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©  Jan 21, 2018





Canon EOS 5D Mark III

Exposure: 1/1600
Aperture: f/8
Focal length: 90 mm
ISO: 500
Time: 15:32

Personal train with RegioNova & fast train with Brejlovec

Wow, why so strange composition?
The RegioNova was probably in a bit of delay so the Brejlovec gave her a little push 😁
This is normal composition in short section between Železný Brod and Turnov where these two trains (RegioNova from Stará Paka to Liberec and Brejlovec from Tanvald to Prague) share one track so they don't have to go separately and ČD (railway company) don't have to pay SŽDC (infrastructure owner) for two trains but just for one.
@phoenix371 Thanks, it's very interesting 🙂
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