Questions and answers
Mikhail Ter

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What made me post about this issue, was the situation with this image:

This made me feel bullied, the image though may not be perfect, is totally "ok" in my opinion lightning wise. The weather was overcast at the moment, the light is soft and even. But 3 members decided it was not "good enough" and to add salt on the wound, some totally random "vehicle is blocked or partially cut" votes, when it is not in no way.

It made me feel that there may be a "regional" preference on the photos, because as with many of my samples i sent on the post before, the photos that keep getting on the site besides the issues on their quality are mostly on the same region. And that is the reason why some of my photos get these unreal down-votes.


I totally agree with your concerns over the votes on this picture. It is completely in conformance with all aspects of Trainspo guidelines and should have been approved without delay. It is, in fact, very well lighted and the power unit is completely visible. As I have said a number of times in similar circumstances, there is no requirement on Trainspo that the entire train is visible. The locomotive is the subject and is not at all blocked in your picture. The lighting is perfectly good. It is not necessary for there to be full or even partial sun on the subject. The point of the "Well Lighted" parameter is to ensure that the photo adequately displays the details of the vehicle for the purposes of our database. To vote any other way is incorrect in the extreme (that's putting it nicely).

I'm new to this site so I need some help. Can I edit the model info or request a correction?

I submitted a photo about 2 weeks ago with a locomotive that is not in the database (Red River Valley & Western #2002 - a GP-20C). I submitted 2 reports but there doesn't seem to be any movement - voting not started. Here's a link to a roster if you need it.