This is general topic for asking any questions. If you don't know where to ask, you can try it in this topic.
@IAGSoft Class gallery show only one shot in case of same vehicle in the same place at the same day.
I noticed from yesterday that I no longer have the "Approve" tab in my account. Has there been any change?
Hi, our algorithms are constantly rotated for self-learning of the best moderation options. Voice rights changes periodically giving equal opportunities to other participants.
Andrea FrigerioMay 9, 2018mobile
Thank you for the answer!
How can I find something in this website like what I do in google or wikipedia?
Akhil SanjeevJul 24, 2018 − edited Jul 24, 2018 Hi,I have submitted this picture for moderation.Its been five days and its still in the waiting queue with +3 votes.Its not your everyday "well lighted" shot but I believe it is a decent attempt at a rain shot.You know 5 days is way too much time to decide on a photo.I suggest giving the voting rights to people who are active and well reputed photographers or to people who are "neutral" because this is ridiculous.I don't mind getting negative votes but this inactivity is such a waste of time.
Hi, i agree that this no good, but we are free community and we do not force people to vote. We have a large amount of people who can vote, and it's sad that some pictures are receiving votes faster and some others are not. We are trying to improve this algorithm all the time.
Akhil SanjeevJul 26, 2018mobile
@ter Thanks for the response
Jayasankar MadhavadasSep 25, 2018 − edited Sep 25, 2018
I have been in this site for 8 years. Recently I saw that moderation moved to voting system. It was going fine for me. Quite recently I am experiencing a strange experience . For eg :: . This pic was uploaded last friday. I got 4 positive votes. The 5th vote never came for the past 4 days. Similarly there are 4 pictures. All the pictures which came before and after this picture got approved. From India itself 4 pictures came. Is it some restriction since I crossed 2000 pictures? All these started after that. In India , place where I live is 35 to 45 deg C . Most of you wont even stand for an hour where we Indians do trainspotting. I am not saying, the day picture is uploaded it should be approved as I am an Indian I know my place in this site. But atleast in 2-3 days is it not possible for well lighted , framed picture. I am not complaining but requesting the moderators and community voters please be fair to me too. Trains dont come to my home. Being a diabetic and had a brush with death around a year back when my effort goes useless it is depressing . I am not craving for any sympathy from you but a fair treatment from the moderators and voting community. Hope I will get it . I can request you, rest is up to the moderators and voting community. Cannot force you to act but requesting for one last time
Thanking you
Jayasankar MadhavadasSep 26, 2018 − edited Sep 26, 2018
Thanks to moderators and voting community for heeding my request. Being a web analyst by profession, I have seen that this site has one the best database structure which is result of hard work by the site owner. Any data mining is easy for user as the data flow is perfect . Along with the site owner, moderators & voting community & members has a stake in growing of site and sustaining it as a international train database site.
Thank you
Hello. I am registered on the site since 4 days. I want to publish photos as a member. what is the manipulation to do? I can not find any pameter. And when i want to share the flickr link he also refuses the url
Thank you
Hi, I think you missed correct link for registering as a "member" and joined as "fan" account. I've corrected this, and you are able to upload now.
If you mean your flick account in profile settings, you need to enter username name, not the full link.
Hi! 1 question - how I can make offline copy of my uploaded photo? Download step-by-step each photo not good idea, may be have another method?
Hi, i can help with it if you can suggest me a solution. For example, I can create a page in your profile, with direct links to your pictures. Also, I can create one tar.gz archive upon a request.
@ter, please do it as possible
@ALeventiy Ok, give me few days and i'll write a script that will create an archive with all uploaded pictures, upon a request.
Phantom_3dNov 29, 2018, edited
@ter No problem, many thanks!
@grels That's because you subscrived as a "Fan" member. Let's ask @ter to make the upgrade to a regular member.
Can I upload black and white shots? Thanks.
@andreafelice.bellandi Yes, indeed. I have several myself.
Thank you very much!!!

No problem, many thanks!
Sorry, i'm very busy last month, it will be ready a little bit later.
George AdlerJan 4, 2019mobile
Should I keep uploading new vehicle classes? I saw that noone get the discovery badge this month and one of my pictures have been added after ~6 months. If there are no people to process new vehicles, it's fine, of course anyone can be too busy, just let me know what to expect...
andreafelice.bellandiFeb 5, 2019mobile, edited
Good evening!
Can you tell me why a photo with 8 favorable votes isn't accepted?
I apologize for my low english level.
Tank you very much!
Hi Andrea,
Your picture got +9 and -2 votes, so it will go in the gallery, but it will take some time because of the negative votes.
Have a nice evening
Your picture got +9 and -2 votes, so it will go in the gallery, but it will take some time because of the negative votes.
Have a nice evening
Thank you very much!!!
Hey! how comes one of my pictures with 10 likes doesn't go to main, but one with 9 is? both have been uploaded the same week
Hi there is no any fixed amount of likes, that should be reached to be posted on the main page. It's depends of several parameters, including how fast picture receiving likes, how long picture was posted to the gallery, etc. Here just one main rule - this logic works for every picture, regardless of the author and object of the photo, and it's fully automatic.
Great! Was convinced it was the likes but i see there is more behind. Thanls!
@ter Hello! I keep trying to add my Flickr account however it is not working and just brings up the message "incorrect Flickr account". For reference my flickr account is trainspotto.
@otto Check it now, please.
@ter says the same thing.
@ter I have found the problem. I needed to set a custom URL on Flickr, thank you for your help.
Please delete this photo (double)
@tzhs Ok, done.
p.s. you may use "report" link for such requests in the future.
GandharvaMay 26, 2019mobile
Hello, how could I obtain one of these beautiful photos in full-res?
Mikhail TerMay 26, 2019mobile
@Gandharva We don’t provide this function. You may contact picture owner via private message and ask for it.