This is general topic for asking any questions. If you don't know where to ask, you can try it in this topic.
@azaleskiy Hi Alexandr,
Go ahead and upload your replacement photo, with a note in the Comment space that it is meant to be a replacement, and also you can click on "send report" to repeat the same alert to the screeners. Likewise, you can treat the version to be deleted similarly, in the Comment section and by sending a report. It will still show the Duplicate Photo message whilst in the Queue, but hopefully the screeners will notice and vote positively on the replacement (it is not unheard of that they will miss both alerts, but please be patient

. Thanks!
Keith (Maersk.146)
@RSalciunas Thanks for the info

We will update vehicles profiles along with new photos will appear.
Where can i see the people, who are following me? I mean, I could see it on my profile page when I hadn't chosen any people to follow myself.
After choosing two people to follow, I only can see those people, but not anyone who follows me.
Mikhail TerAug 16, 2020 − edited Feb 26, 2023
@bfsSwiss I added a quick link at the bottom of the Following page.
@ter Well done

, thanks a lot.
Hi, generally my photos are accepted to the gallery, but most often I see "bad framing/cropping". In this case please tell me what is "good framing/cropping"? Just I want to know. Many thanks.
Maersk.146Aug 19, 2020mobile
A general guideline to cropping and framing is the Rule of Thirds, if feasible, but we also have occasional votes which seem irrational under the circumstances. If more than one such vote is received on a picture, perhaps it might be good to consider working on it a bit more. If only one Reject vote occurs, the picture will most likely be approved eventually. Hang in there!
Robertas Š.Aug 19, 2020mobile − edited Aug 19, 2020
@Maersk.146 I would not fully agree when talking about Rule of Thirds. Yes , it's a good way of taking train pictures somewhere outside the railway stations with beautiful urban or natural landscapes. There are plenty of interesting places in the stations or depot when this rule is not acceptable. But anyway I keep on taking pictures how it seems to be better. Thank you for reply.
How can i delete my profile?
I have nothing personal against any photographer, but not certain rules of accepting pictures to the gallery make me to think about stopping all activity at trainspo. There are plenty of pics with "bad framing/cropping" or "bad light" but they still appear while others not. I don't like double standarts. Something should change here.
Wish you all the best.
Is it possible to download a photo from my personnal gallery ? I have lost some photos on my PC and the last copies are on my trainspo gallery...
Thank you
I have done the "Fan Account" but now I want to upload photos.
How I do this?
Can anybody help me out?
@Simao.Pinto.Correia You need a Member Account to Upload Photos. As a "Fan" you can only upload Spots in the Spots gallery. Please Send a Message to @ter for the upgrade as a member Account, better with a link to your personal gallery.
@ter Can you upgrade me to Member. I have some photos here, in my blog. Many of my trainspoting photos I post in Portugalferroviario forum ( Sadly many of my trainspotting isn't published (yet) and I whold like to trainspo be the platform that I chose. If you want some photos that I have on my PC I can send some of the best to you judje it.
How comes sometimes when approving i only have db or reject as options, or even ok or reject without db? i assume theres a reason behind it but i cant seem to get it.
Maersk.146Feb 9, 2021mobile
Each member is able to select his preferred mode of screener approval; strict, which gives the voter only two choices of approval or rejection; general, which makes available all three choices; and light, which only provides two choices, DB or reject. Either of the first two choices can result in a picture being approved for the main page.
@Maersk.146 That makes perfect sense, thank you!
How long does it take for a new vehicle to be added normally? As i got 3 pending with full reports sent, but i assume there might be quite a queue
Im honestly disappointed at this point, It just sucks to have approval rights given and taken away for no reason every now and then. Cant help but feel its a manual thing, and that would be extremely unprofessional
@cs269 Hello, Trainspo is currently updating the voting system, implementing the algorithm removing people temporary from voting based on not fare votings. So, if somebody votes several times for example for well focused picture as "unfocused", and the admin approves this picture with manual action, the algorithm counts this vote as an "unusual" vote. After several "unsual" votes, the member will be removed from voting for a few weeks. There has been many complaints in the past for non correct votings, so Trainspo is challenging to improve the system to make the approval system more accurate and democratic as possible. Personally i do give some bad votes, but i also approve a lot of pictures that are in the Trainspo-Guideline you can find here
Hey Fede always nice to hear from you! It came weird to me as all the votes i have given were not only following the guidelines but also never stand outs. I had never seen a pic getting for example +7 and only my -1 or db.
Its also true that sometimes i see positive votes on pictures with bad light or for example under exposure, would that mean that by being one of the few voting it down, if it gets approved i would go down due to the algorythm?
How i can upload photo in this site? I can't find button 'upload photo' anywhere.
@Volaner you signed up as a "Fan". You need a Member Account to Upload Photos. As a "Fan" you can only upload Spots in the Spots gallery (Uploads from Smartphone). Please Send a Message to @ter for the upgrade as a member Account, better with a link to your personal gallery.
I have now the option to invite someone. After sending the invitation to a colleague I found out he already has an fan account.
What should I do?
@yannik Hello Yannik, if this member already have a fan account, he could ask our Admin @ter for an uprade, like i told the member above. If he already made a Member account, He could ask to merge the two accounts. Tell him to send a message with our Trainspo Message Service clicking on your username on the right top of this website -> mailbox, or type the username in the search box->messaging.
Good night everybody! Need help! Who knows about Belgian steam locomotives? Very necessary.
Hello !
I would like to send an invitation to a friend but I can't find the button, where is it please ?
Maersk.146Jun 16, 2021mobile
Hi Jean-Philippe,
Look in your personal drop-down menu under Settings. The Invite button is there.
Good luck!
Keith (Maersk.146)
Hi Keith,
I don't see this button...
Is it because I have already used this option for another friend before ?
Maersk.146Jun 16, 2021mobile
Hi, Jean-Philippe,
You should be able to invite any number of people, seems like.
At the top right part of the screen where it shows your name, click that and a drop down menu should appear. By clicking on Settings, there should be another group of boxes to click, of which Invite should be in the lower right-hand corner, I believe. Seems odd that it would not be there. If not, we’ll see what Mikhail Ter can do to explain how it works.
Thank you for your explication but on the settings page I don't see any invite button
Maersk.146Jun 16, 2021mobile
@bb9335 @ter Okay, time for an expert opinion!
@bb9335 it was this link, but there is a bug that need to be fixed!
@ter can we fix this?
@Maersk.146 @Taurus717 Invite option works on semi-automatic basic now

So, it's time to finish it's automatisation, right!
@bb9335 you should be able to use it now
Thank you every one, it works now ^^
The approve button is glitching quite a lot for me, got it a day and day after is gone even if that day i havent voted, and then it comes back randomly.
Wouldnt it be better to just leave it there for members that have been active during a period of time instead of having a random algorithm?
I've uploaded a new vehicle, whose request has been pending for months. Is there something wrong in my providing details about it, or it's just slipped out of sight?
This is the picture: Thanks for your support
Also I have the same question of Gilberto, in my gallery i have 8 post waiting for adding a new vehicle. Is there a time limit by which it can be assumed that the photo can be deleted from the waiting list?
@gil646 @davuz95
I added the vehicles in the Database. You should be fine now.
Gilberto ZaraDec 10, 2021mobile, edited
@Taurus717 Yes thanks. Yet, about I think it's more appropriate to put it in "ATTS" operator section, because it's a very different administration for such vehicle. Would it be possible to change section?