
ÖBB 193 763flagPreslavets Preslavets

ELL 193 763 hired by Rail Cargo Carrier leads a cement train

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©  Apr 30, 2021






Exposure: 1/800
Aperture: f/5.6
Focal length: 22 mm
ISO: 160
Time: 18:26

ELL 193 763 hired by Rail Cargo Carrier leads a cement train

If it's hired to RCC, why do you class it as ELL? We use the operators on Trainspo, as much as possible, not the leasing companies (except for when the loco is not hired to anyone).
@ddz7504 Maybe because we haven't RCC Bulgaria profile - I can't find this company in VKM register: https://www.era.europa.eu/registers/vkm_en
There is a company RCC Bulgaria, which is registered in Bulgaria, but as I know the their locomotives are with the registration of ÖBB. And I'm not sure which company is hired this loco - ÖBB, Rail Cargo group or RCC Bulgaria. It is serving trains of RCC Bulgaria.
@Fantomas @ter another reason to get rid of the country splits.
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