
CR ND5 0321flagWuxing Anhui Sheng Wuxing

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©  Oct 1, 2012





Canon EOS 550D

Exposure: 1/320
Aperture: f/9.9
Focal length: 190 mm
ISO: 400
Time: 14:15

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General Electric C36-7
Engine: 4-cycle Model FDL16
Speed: 70 mph
Traction Motors: GE 752 (Six)
Fuel Oil: 3000 gallons
Engine Cooling Water: 300 gallons
What is the difference between ND5 and ND5-II ?
I II engine without distinction
Look different

Please look at the picture, this is I II!
Ok, adding it as ND5 while no info about numbering for I and II batches. We can divide it into two separate batches later.
@kr.panev Chinese C36-7i is a little wider, much lighter, has lighter axle load (23t) and has a max. speed of 118km/h (73.32mph)
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