This is general topic for asking any questions. If you don't know where to ask, you can try it in this topic.
@Gandharva Hello, Please notice that on every picture stays under the Copyright law. Trainspo do not let download pictures to protect the author's copyright. So if you like to obtain a picture, you should contact the author for it privately. Use Trainspo's message function if you like to send an email to an user.
How can I post? I want to share my photos I have done in the past few months.
@otto Hello, Otto! As a Fan, you are able to post photos in Spots and also in the Community section, such as Everyday Railway Photos. Spots photos are done only with mobile telephone cameras, but pictures in Community may be uploaded from other image capture methods, such as DSLR and point-and-shoot cameras. Please observe the rules for uploading in each of the categories, and good luck!
Hi! Past week I sent some corrections (by pressing send report) in several spanish photos because there were some photos added with wrong train classes, I mean, some Renfe 130 were listed as Renfe 112 for exaple, but there is no correction at this time, which could make more people to get confused about which train is which class. How many time takes to correct these mistakes? Thank you!
@ililo23 Hi, all was done. Thanks for waiting
Mikhail UtkinSep 30, 2019 − edited Sep 30, 2019
Explain please, why here "Bad framing/cropping"? I don't understand it.
@tzhs Probably because you cut the locomotive on the right. But i think that's ok for our Gallery, don't you think @ter @Maersk.146 ?
@Taurus717 @ter
Yes, I do, as well as several other of the current batch of unfortunates who have run afoul of someone who thinks the entire train must be visible, or that trains must only be photographed in only bright sunlight. In the case of the photo mentioned, however, the locomotive to the right is irrelevant, since the subject noted by the author is the RZD TEM18DM 918, which is framed perfectly.
Please explain why here 4 times "Vehicle is blocked or partially cut"? I didn't understand that.
@tzhs The framing of the picture is not made with the "Rule of thirds". the end of the train is cropped. i would have made it shifting the camera to the left trying to include the whole train. Please remark that the grey votes are only an improving advice. This picture is Okay for our gallery. Just wait and it will be accepted. But, if you want to improve a better one, just upload the new one and request a picture substitution with the "report" feature.
@azaleskiy Hi, to replace some picture, please upload a new one, enter the same data (model, number, date, place) and just enter a comment that you want to replace this picture.
Please check that a yellow warning banner about "duplicate picture" is appears after editing.
Hello. Whats's wrong with adding new vehicle classes? My photo is more than one month in the moderation, because vehicle class is missing, eventhough I've sent enough info to create it. Thank you for feedback...
@EightyFour Hi Martin, it was added to the existing profile, thanks for your details. – Tired of the incomprehensible captiousness of the local moderators. I explain especially stubborn of them: such a picture is possible only in cloudy weather. The sun in this place shines him in tail.
How do I switch from a Fan Account to a Member Account?
Maersk.146Mar 5, 2020mobile − edited Mar 5, 2020
Hi Simone,
Try going to the “Join as a Member” section in the “About” icon at the bottom of this (and the Main) page to request your Member Invitation. Follow the instructions listed and let’s see if that gets the job done. Let us know here if you do not see any results within a few days.
Thanks for your interest in joining Trainspo as a member!
Hi @Maersk.146
I have tried as you have said several times, but I have not received a response
thanks for your help
Hi Simone,
I will alert the site admin to this problem. Thank you for your patience!
Simone MenegariMar 8, 2020mobile
Thank you very much
@Maersk.146 I came onto here to ask the same question! Is it possible to switch my 'fan account' to a 'member' one? I tried to sign up as a member to start with but my two requests weren't responded to.
Maersk.146Mar 31, 2020mobile
Hi Greg, let me see what I can do. I don’t have control over that function, but don’t see why it can’t get done.
Welcome to Trainspo!
@Maersk.146 Thank you! Any help will be greatly appreciated!
Hi @Maersk.146
almost a month has passed and nothing has changed
would you be able to re-present the problem?
Thanks in advance
Maersk.146Apr 5, 2020 − edited Apr 7, 2020
@ilpogante Hi Simone!
I'm not actually sure why this issue is not being resolved - the site owner has not yet responded to my recent messages on your (and Greg's) behalf. In his defense, I believe he has a lot on his plate, but I know you are anxious to see your status changed to Member.
I'll send him another message forthwith. Thank you for your interest in Trainspo. It really is a neat concept, and the uploading process is about as good as it gets.
Best Regards,
@Maersk.146 Cheers Keith! I'm in no rush, so don't worry too hard about it, but it would be appreciated if you get it done for me!
martinsoulakMay 14, 2020 − edited May 14, 2020
Hi, I have question about process of approving. In this case: (screen) . I've already received 10 votes for release to public gallery, but in some cases I had e.g. 7 positive votes for publishing and another votes could be like public stars.
Can you describe me these rules?

Thanks a lot
Hi Martin,
Though I am not the code-writer for our site, I believe there are somewhat fluid protocols involved in the approval process, which employ algorithms automatically to determine the number of votes required for each picture. Meaning, perhaps, that the speed at which votes accrue is a factor along with the total number of votes for or against a picture.
Anyway, your picture is well on its way to approval with ten votes for and none against. We have a number of eligible voting members, but they do not necessarily get on the site to vote every day (and it seems that many are absent for days or weeks between appearances). It's a nice picture and will certainly be approved soon.
Keith (Maersk.146)
@Maersk.146 Hi Keith, many thanks for your answer

That is interesting for me because i'm working as developer of web/mobile applications, and I've often thought about these processes on this gallery
Hi Guys, I was in the settings - Personal Info section and tried to add my Flickr user name but it keeps telling me it's the "incorrect Flickr Account" when I know its def not.
Hi! Tell me your Flickr username please so I'll be able to check this.
@ter Hi Mikhail, it's either Kempy72 or Michael Kemp.
Thanks in advance.
Please try this username: 47303901@N08
It's last part of address URL if you are opening your profile page. Also, you can setup your named Flickr username in your Flickr's profile settings.
Thanks Mikhail, it worked!
@ter @Kempy72 I had this problem a while back, I'm not sure if Flickr ever said what your username actually is. Caused me to freak out a little, I thought I'd lost my account haha. But I discovered the personal tag URL thing and that's made much more sense for my Flickr. Just thought I'd share
Greg LarkmanMay 23, 2020, edited
@Maersk.146 Still don't want to cause a hassle, but I haven't heard anything on upgrading my account. I'm still a 'fan'. I'd be very grateful if somebody could help me with this. But still, I'm not in any particular rush, so don't worry if you're busy!
Hi Greg!
I'll contact you via Private Message here on the site.
Keith (Maersk.146)
Hello dear admins,
Today Lithuanian railway's company has introduced new trademark of company. Now Lithuanian railways company has new logo and mark - LTG (instead of LG). Also the company's activities are divided into separate companies: LTG Link ("LG Keleiviams" - passenger service), LTG Cargo ("LG Cargo" - freight service) and LTG Infra ("LG infrastruktūra" - infrastructure). I think it's worth to make these changes in the database as well.
1. How to delete a photo?
2. How to replace the photo?