
KiwiRail EF 30042flagHoropito Horopito

Ruapehu dominates the scene of a special train near Ohakune.

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©  Sep 13, 2015





Canon EOS 60D

Exposure: 1/640
Aperture: f/8
Focal length: 67 mm
ISO: 200
Time: 15:32

Ruapehu dominates the scene of a special train near Ohakune.

Awesome !!
Awesome background .... is that a volcano ?
storyA special from Feilding to National Park return with an EF class was a trip with a difference for Feilding & District Steam Rail. Yes Ruapehu is an active volcano and at 2797m is the highest (and highest mountain in North Island.) A chair lift on one of the ski fields can be seen above first carriage. The last eruption in 1995 had skiers making a quick retreat. The crater lake is greatest danger with a history of lahars - one in 1953 caused the worst railway disaster in this part of the world.
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