β–Έ Feature requests
Mikhail Ter

If you have any ideas for a feature or an improvement, feel free to leave them in the comments. We can only grow with your participation.

Amir Nurgaliyev

So to clear things out - these options are already implemented "under the hood", just having 4th option hard-set? Then yes, letting a user set these personally would be great and would totally solve my issue!
Mikhail Ter

check your settings, and choose the comfort cropping option.
Amir Nurgaliyev

Switched to "don't crop" and that's just what I wanted, many thanks! πŸ™‚
Giorgio Iannelli

I write for a new feature.
Now there are class, family and series of rolling stock.
I think is possible to add the builders with their products.
For example, I open these pages:
FLIRT family ( http://trainspo.com/family/27/ )
GTW family ( http://trainspo.com/family/38/ )

On the top of pages, I can see the link "Stadler" for see the same family and others class/family (for example Allegra series, FC M4C 500, etc.)
Davide Bianco

There are a double class..
The OBB E190 operates for:
RCI ( http://trainspo.com/class/6040/ )
Linea ( http://trainspo.com/class/1246/ )
Akshay Marathe

Is it possible to report photos with incorrect information (like wrong class) uploaded by other users?
Mikhail Ter

You can try "report" link under the picture.

In my opinion there should be an optional field by uploading, where you can give information about the owner of the vehicle. Cause in germany for example often the owner is another company than the operator. For example every locomotive from MRCE, MRCE don't operate itself, they only own the locomotives to lease them to other companys wich are operating with them.
Mikhail Ter


In the nearest future we should divide profiles for owner (default profile) and hired state. For example, this profile will be shown as "hire" http://trainspo.com/class/1246/ etc.

@ter Ok, cause I just checket out MRCE, and in MRCE are no pictures of the X4E/193, but those locomotives already are photographed. Their authors just had known the operating company so that they aren't listed at MRCE.

Maybe it also should implemented, that you can type in the official serie and the internally. Just have a look here:
there are just, exepted of the 643 and the 185, the internally numbers of the MUs. They all have different official numbers. VT4 for example is a Serie 648, the ET5 and 6 are Serie 428, ET7 are Serie 429.
If you want I can look up the numbers of the Vehicles and send a report with the official number πŸ™‚

Mikhail Ter


With X4E/193 we are adding profiles for operators who are hiring locos, if they are absent in the database then we have new upload with missing class. So we already have a few profiles with X4E/193:


Hope we will modify our database design quickly for hiring state, and loco will appears in the owner and hirer profile.

About other changes - it's very useful if you can correct information for the profiles that working on your home area. We are filling profiles from open sources or with information from the other people who are uploading pictures with new vehicles. If you see any strange or erroneous profile it would be great if you will submit report for picture/class with report button or with comment in this topic: http://trainspo.com/ftopic/15/

@ter ok, I reported the Numbers of the Eurobahn Trains...
Giorgio Iannelli

It is possible to see Cameras in "Summary" tab of profile with alphabetical order? Thanks
Mikhail Ter

avatar Giorgio Iannelli:
It is possible to see Cameras in "Summary" tab of profile with alphabetical order?

It's possible, but i think it's better to show cameras by usage.
Giorgio Iannelli

@ter Ok, thanks.
Now I know that is the order of cameras πŸ˜€
Federico Santagati

@ter @Maersk.146 @Romet.Lyytsepp @YuriZhuck @bob.s
Hello guys!
What about a Member Search function? Sometimes i just want to look for a picture made by a member of Trainspo and every time i had to scroll the member list to search the Author of the picture, and this is a bit annoying, so what about a Member search function in the "Members" page?
Have a nice day.

Mikhail Ter

@Taurus717 it's a good idea πŸ‘, just added ability to display users in global search:

Federico Santagati

Great! Very nice!!

@ter @Taurus717 @Romet.Lyytsepp @YuriZhuck @bob.s

Hi Guys,
I would just like to say how much I like the new updates Mikhail has done for the site! It is really good to be able to inspect the photos more easily, and the new backgrounds and layouts are excellent, as well. Great job, Mikhail!

Warm regards!
George Adler


How do you think about creating a separate category for high-speed EMUs? I mean they would be listed as "diesel locomotives", "electric locomotives", "EMUs" "DMUs", "High-speed EMUs" etc.
Mikhail Ter


Hi, it's an interesting idea, but that is the criteria? As I know there is no any word standard about what can be called a "high speed" rolling stock. At this moment we have 3 types of typical "fast" trains:

1. Real high speed trains - 250 km/h and more on new special high speed lines.
2. High speed trains - up to 200 km/h on existing upgraded lines.
3. Fast trains - up to 160 km/h on existing lines.

I really don't know how to mark a rolling stock to high-speed, event it depends of the region and country.

Here some definitions with UIC standards: http://www.uic.org/highspeed#General-definitions-of-highspeed and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/High-speed_rail#Definitions

Do you have an idea how to solve this? Our database has profiles of vehicles with defined high speed attribute so it's easy to mark some vehicles as high speed.
George Adler

@ter I think it's correct to list EMUs that are capable of above 200km/h operating speed. And I mean EMUs only (not Railjet for example). As I know there are not too many high-speed EMUs, and they can be related to a certain conuntry only. (Like SNCF (TGV), Renfe (AVE), Shinkansen (Japan), CRH (China) etc.) This list seem to be quite accurate actually:

Mikhail Ter

@adlersson Ok, got it. I should think how to make it.
Mikhail Ter


Hi, now we have new categories for high-speed EMUs and DMUs. You can see it in country/operator database, and at the gallery filters.

It is possible to open the comment window directly when uploading a new picture. Example, I uploaded the following one https://trainspo.com/photo/77171/ 20 mins ago and wanted to make a link to the following one https://trainspo.com/photo/72929/?list=class (because it's the opposite side). If the pic is not OK (db only), the chance to compare the two ones will be much smaller.

First off, fantastic site and quite excellent presentation, a real joy to use.

A few features that I'd like to request:

1) On the main maps page (https://trainspo.com/map/), can we have an option for the OpenRailwayMap overlays, as on the map link from a photo page (e.g. https://trainspo.com/geo/2786733/ ). It is fun to explore πŸ™‚

2) On the geo page (https://trainspo.com/geo/2786733/), is it possible to zoom out further? When you are in the middle of Russia it can be hard to see exactly where you are in the world and zooming out would be a nice touch.

3) A link to view a random photo. It is fun to just browse πŸ™‚
Mikhail Ter

@utrainia Thanks for your kind words.

1) I think it's possible, i need to test first how this overlays will work with large amount of markers array together.

2) There is a some limitation with location map, because every map render (move and zoom) causes ajax requests to load neighbour pins and thumbnail pictures, so big zoom can generate a huge amount of data loaded, that can be uncomfortably on mobile phones. But i'll try to make some test if it's possible to increase zoom level on 1-2 levels.

3) This feature already on test and should be released soon.


I think it would be an interesting option when you explore geo places, you can see the collection of the trains that have been there.

Have a nice day.
Mikhail Ter


Hi, it's a good idea, thanks!

Question: In Switzerland, the description BDe 4/4 is almost known to every operator (second class and luggage compartment). I uploaded an MOB type BDe 4/4 series 27 - 28, which has nothing to do with the already present DBe 4/4 series 3001 - 3006. Is there a way to differ the various families? I have even more BDe 4/4 from MOB, not connected to the two classes above.

Another question: If I add a new picture to a class of vehicles already existing, the comment field is not active, so I can't add any additional or special informations to the picture.
Mikhail Ter

avatar Derglarner:
I uploaded an MOB type BDe 4/4 series 27 - 28, which has nothing to do with the already present DBe 4/4 series 3001 - 3006.

Hi, thanks for report, classes was separated.

avatar Derglarner:
If I add a new picture to a class of vehicles already existing, the comment field is not active, so I can't add any additional or special informations to the picture.

This will be fixed in the first upcoming site update, in a few days.

Hi, thanks for the quick answer and diversion of the BDe 4/4 thing. Looking forward to the next update. πŸ˜‰

As a new feature, would there be any way to collect and display photos made in a wide-screen format such as 16:9 or even more panoramic at 2:1 or 3:1 aspect ratios? Might be interesting if we could make use of the wider screens we all probably have these days, perhaps? Here is one at 2:1

Mikhail Ter

@Maersk.146 Hi Keith! Currently i have no idea how to display such type of pictures. If you have any good looking example, please share it πŸ™‚

Hi Mikhail,
It’s not a big deal to make them in that wider format. Just set up the cropping bounds for a picture at 2:1 or whatever and see how it works. For display on the site, could there be a page or paragraph to indicate the minimum or maximum size a picture should be and then members would upload pix of that size? A separate field in the upload page for the size format could maybe be added? I have no idea how the code would be written, though. πŸ€”
Sergej Kučerov

Hi Mikhail,
wouldn't it be nice if on the page of some vehicle class we could click on the username in the "Seen by" list and went to a page with images of the same class, but with user name filter applied to them?

Mikhail Ter

@Sergey.Kucherov check it now πŸ˜‰
Sergej Kučerov

@ter You probably didn't sleep all night πŸ˜‰ but this works even better than I expected - very nice idea to open it in user's gallery! Thank you for this neat and quick addition!

AEM-7, AEM-7AC and ALP-44 all belong to Swedish Rc series.